昨晚,由於外籍老師一時買不到 gingerbread kit,臨時改做 shortbread.
很多人一定覺得奇怪,shortbread 到底是什麼?短麵包?!別鬧了。
Shortbread is a type of biscuit (cookie) which is traditionally
made from one part white sugar(白糖), two parts butter(奶油),
and three parts plain white flour(白麵粉).
為什麼叫做 "shortbread"?
Shortbread is so named because of its crumbly texture
(from an old meaning of the word short 油酥). The cause of this
texture is its high fat content, provided by the butter.
The related word "shortening" refers to any fat that may be
added to produce a short (crumbly) texture.
The term "short" is used in reference to the fact that
the fat molecules inhibit the formation of long gluten
strands, making it "short"(含有大量油酥的).
千萬不要把 Shortbread 和 shortcake 搞混了。shortcake 使用
- Nov 26 Mon 2007 20:49
奶油酥餅 shortbread - 昨晚做的餅乾